Feel Like You Again

Exercise therapy includes, home exercises. These are an integral part of any physiotherapy programme and are often essential to secure long term results. Each patient will receive an exercise plan tailored to their fitness level and the type of injury.

For many patients exercise is part of their life and they want to get back to the gym or specific sport, I can guide you on achieving this safely.

Other patients are less keen on exercise, and I am happy to direct them towards activities that are equally effective and can be easily and safely managed at home. It is essential that all exercise and activity is individually assessed and is appropriate for the patient’s lifestyle and fitness levels.

I will give you appropriate exercises to:

  • Strengthen muscle
  • Stretch tight structures
  • Improve balance
  • Increase proprioception
  • Correct posture

Exercise is used in the treatment of all musculoskeletal problems particularly:

  • Back and neck pain
  • Shoulder, elbow, and wrist injuries
  • Hip, knee, and ankle problems
  • Balance problems
  • Rehabilitation after surgery

I accept self referrals and I am registered with all the major insurers including BUPAWPAAXA and Aviva.

Benefits of Exercise Therapy

  • Increase movement at a joint
  • Increase the function of a joint and the whole limb
  • Increase independence
  • Improve and maintain joint integrity when muscle strength is improved
  • Improve quality of movement
  • Delay the progression and limitations of arthritic conditions
  • Stretching decreases muscle tension / tone
  • Increases proprioception, awareness of body position
  • Improves neuromuscular co-ordination
  • Reduces the risk of muscular and soft tissue injury


Jackie has always provided me with simple but effective exercises which have helped me recover.
A.C. Cirencester

Get in Touch

For more information on exercise therapy please get in touch.